Structural Damage updated as of
March 27th, 2011
**Please note a letter is currently being sent out to all friends and relatives of the Stone Church requesting financial support for a very serious and timely restoration project. Please see below for the link to the letter and pledge form. Please feel free to distribute this letter and form.**
Letter to the family and friends of the Stone Church Cemetery
Pledge form
The same fissure that measured 1-11/16 inches (42mm) in April 2008 has now widened
to 5-1/2 inches (140mm)!
The harsh conditions (excess precipitation) of last summer have caused the building to shift dramatically.
The NE corner has virtually collapsed. I have no idea how that wall is still standing but there is no doubt that the crack will spread more as the ground heaves closer to spring. It will be only a short time before the whole wall crumbles to the ground.
These pictures taken in late March 2011 show the inside of the church as it stands now. While these are recent pictures, it is NOT ADVISABLE for anyone to go into the church at this point. It just isn't safe!!
The pictures of the Church that showed initial structural damage were taken in April 2008. See below.